Sunday, January 25, 2009


i'm sitting in belton, fixing to ride off to a church in town and probably see a few people i know or knew or something. i'm looking forward and really hoping that i see a certain couple - dub and wendy falsone. these were my youth ministers when i was in high school. i haven't talked to them in years. i've simply lost touch. no email. no facebook. not even a phone number. and recently i've felt the urge to simply tell them thank you. they were an inspiration that pushed me to where i am today... wherever i am. i know its a good place and i know my faithfulness is due to them and people like them that Father placed in my life. sometimes i still find myself needing them. they never failed to speak truth or encourage. i hope i see them today.

so much happened in this place that i'm grateful for. good things. and I'm grateful.

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