Sunday, November 2, 2008

So I'm Stupid.... but it's OK!

First of all, I feel so retarded because my phone alarm went off at 9:00a.m. - the time I intended it to go off. Well, my phone didn't automatically roll back as I'd expected it to. I jumped out of bed because this much anticipated day was FINALLY here! I took a shower and got dressed. With my hair still wrapped in a towel, I went to my laptop to play music and saw the time on the corner said 8:35.... WHAT?! I looked at the other clocks that had been turned back, and needless to say, I was an hour ahead of the rest of the world, and missed out on my "extra" hour of sleep.

Dang it.

I put make-up on but refuse to do my hair until it is the proper time. So... instead of rushing, I had a calm breakfast of Honey Roasted Oats Cereal, while reading a newspaper article on the near-future increase in economic regulation. Yes. I read an entire newspaper article in the BUSINESS section. And I love Anberlin.

I am currently typing this blog and sipping coffee. But not just any coffee. It's Vinacafe, which is incredible Vietnamese coffee that I was introduced to by the cute little Vietnamese ladies I used to work with. It is wonderful. And they also taught me to use sweetened condensed milk as creamer. Ooooohhhhh it is incredible.

I must say I have been blessed this semester with some of the most beautiful friends I could ask for. Not only can I sing every word of the The Wedding's retarded "Arkansas" song with them, but they model selflessness in a way I'd never seen before. :-) I saw that this week and was completely blown away. I love the encouragement we get from each other when it comes to living hardcore missionally, when our hearts break for the nations, when I just want to text all night about my desire to make Christ famous in Japan, they don't complain, they only encourage and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! I love that dreaming bigger is encouraged. I love how serving Christ on the edge is approached fearlessly. I love my Diehards and the Fatal Formality boys. They blow me away.

Okay. Time to do my hair!!

P.S. I am going to San Antonio today to see my favorite band ever.. umm.. CIRCLESLIDE!!! More amazing people that inspire me! Aaaand I'm getting to stay with very important people known as the Holleys. They're my best friend's parents who are going to be at my wedding. :-)

1 thoughts:

Sarah Michelle said...

Damaris, I love you. And being wreckless.