Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Love is War & You're Worth Every Fight!!!

It has been a life-time journey, and I'm sure it's not over. Not till I'm with Him. The Journey of discovering where my Worth is found. In the last year, specifically, the question screams within my being:


The answer in my head is always the same but the one in my heart constantly shifts. In the last couple of months, I have been free to know that my Worth is found in Christ. Upon her return from Germany, Lara left a note on one of the paintings on the 506 wall that said:

"Remember, your worth is found in Christ. Not in boys, or anything."

A simple message that many of us need to hear.

"Your Worth is found in Christ."

As I'm learning this, I am also discovering the detrimental effect the world around us has on the hearts of men and women. I speak specifically to and for the millions of girls and women who hastily apply make-up to hide the scars and bruises left by previous affairs and current insecurities. I see how 15-second advertisements on TV or images on magazines dehumanize you and I, setting an impossible standard for our bodies, our personalities, our fashion, our relationships. I hear the conversations around me about not feeling good enough, friendly enough, sexy enough, skinny enough, peppy enough, trendy enough, and it breaks my heart to see most of us in this "not enough" incarceration.

What are we killing ourselves to please? Imperfect members of the opposite sex? I personally know the hideous monster that looms over our beds at night as we wonder what we can change about ourselves to please him, to make him like us. Some of us destroy ourselves away until there is nothing left to give. We spend sleepless nights wrestling with our flaws and we can't make them go away.

Freedom is this:

Your Worth is Found in Christ. Not in a boy, or anything.

Woman,... Girl,... Celebrity,... High school freshman,... Who ever You are,...
You are not alone. You are a jewel. You are a Vessel of Glory. You are a Treasure.

It's NOT about What you do. It is about WHOSE you are.

If there is anything I would ever want anyone to know and cling to is that your worth is in Christ!! His scars and the blood that poured from his wounds cry out how much you're worth!! And that is ALL you need!

Your worth is in Christ!
Your worth is in Christ!
Your worth is in Christ!!!

1 thoughts:

-SSS- shows said...

it's kinda funny how you can know something, but it doesn't really seem like you know it until somebody else says it... then it kinda just hits you like a ton of bricks!
lately, that's been happening to me a lot... & i love it!
Our Father is so amazing in putting certain people in our lives who can speak directly to us & wake us up! Sometimes, they don't even know their words are meant for anyone in particular... but they come at the most perfect times!
Thanks D!
I freekin LOVE you :-)