Sunday, November 30, 2008

22 is freaking me out man

Recovering from a killer cold, Thanksgiving, and a birthday, I may finally be standing up on my feet again. Only to be crushed by the avalanching finals in the following two weeks. Oh - here they come!

Shouldn't be too bad. I can take on anything.

Except being 22. It's kinda freaking me out.

Grasshopper and I went up to PowerFM today to deliver Japanese food to our lovely friend Rachel Skinner, and hung out with her for a bit. In the last two days, we've watched Lost in Translations and Almost Famous. Last week the Diehards went to see Twilight for my Birthday. Have I mentioned I have the greatest Diehards? And Shawn.. she's a Diehard groupie because she refuses to be a Diehard. I love her.

Okay. I'm heading out.

22 is freaking me out.

3 thoughts:

Susan Gail said...

i love you and i think it's funny that you are freaking out over being 22. try being 29! i only got like 11 months and i'll be 30...weird.

-SSS- shows said...

dont worry D, 22 freaked me out too!
i never admitted to ever being 22.
it was always "i'm almost 23" or "gonna be 23" but never 22 LoL!
it'll all be ok... someday :)

Sarah Michelle said...

I'm jealous you're 22. Because I'm 19. And that means I have a few more months to go until I can freakin be an even number again. I HATE being a stupid odd number.

Love you.