Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I'm grateful for every breath and every day Father has given me, but sometimes I am frightened by some of the things the Elderly say to me.

For example, I lovely woman that is at least 40 years older than me was listing off all the horrible things that happen to one when one gets a certain age. You're skin bruises easily. You get sick easily. Your internal clock only lets you sleep for so long sometimes you're up before sunrise. You fall asleep watching your favorite show without even realizing it.

And then I read a line in a Maxine Book that said "I don't iron. If I'm not wrinkle-free, why should my clothes be?"

This is only a day after I turned 22 and I realize I'm NOT 17... I'm NOT 19... I'm NOT 21... I'm 22!!! TWENTY-TWO!!!

So I suddenly want to RUN until I'm completely out of breath, I want to JUMP until my heart can't beat any faster, I want to STAY OUT until I crash a day later in class, I want to TRAVEL and HIKE and CLIMB and NOT HAVE KIDS!!!!

I want to take this moment and REALLY make the best of it. And live so well and so much that chances are I won't make it to the wrinkles and easy-bruising.


Life is precious. DANCE with it Now.

1 thoughts:

Eric and Lar Holquin said...

girl you are crazy!!! ha:) just remember...i'm waaayyyy closer to being old than you. i will be 29 in april-ahhhh!!! i am getting scared. but i just keep telling myself that 30 is the new 20. for realz yo. you and my husband (who will only be 24 in jan) just enjoy being under a quarter a century while you can:)