Thursday, October 2, 2008


I'm thinking about a lot of things today. I don't know if it's the change in climate that creates these stirrings in me, but there's something. I'm thinking about my pride, my desires to change the world, my passions; I'm thinking about how I wish I could tear my sinful nature apart and stop being so evil, and use my existence to reflect the Creator that is greater than me. I want to be a mirror of grace, rather than of death. I want to be a reflection of Beauty that surpasses my flesh or anything earthly. I want to be a vessel that releases life and breath and truth with each cracked curve. I want light to echo out of my being with each move I make, with each step. More than anything, I want to be free of this human body that restrains my spirit from being what it was meant to be.

I'm just thinking...

1 thoughts:

John Shaffer said...

Who will set me free from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!