Tuesday, September 30, 2008

..simple days..

I have a friend named Lindsay who takes awesome pictures.Isn't that lovely?

This morning I woke up to the sound of my lovely Grasshopper's voice. I decided I'd get up early today in order to make the most out of this beautiful Tuesday! Then Jessie called me and told me a kid in her neighborhood got killed at around midnight. Then I tried to convince Jacob and Dustin that today is the day that the Lord has made, and I told them to recoice and be glad in it. And then I received a delightful visit by Shafer, Justin, and Christine. And I ate sushi for lunch. And we made the boys feel awkward. It was fun.

Look. This is Grasshopper with her Moo Milk.

She loves her Moo Milk.
She gets it everytime we go to the office.

I love our office.

1 thoughts:

Lara said...

i LOVE you. <3