Sunday, October 5, 2008

This is What the Anberlin Show inspired me to Write...

The crowd shifts forward, a thousand feet inching towards the center of the stage. The air thickens, the heat rises, the first drop of sweat trickles down the back of your neck in anticipation as the room is overcome by darkness and you can't see the head in front of you. Seconds that feel like hours pass and there it is - the black is sliced by a thin ray of light in unison with the first strum of a string. The sound is left suspended in the atmosphere and you hear it, you feel it, you become it. As it lingers lightly fading, it is followed by a deeper sound, a sort of explosion, and gold and red floods the room with an overwhelming measure! Your limbs raise to the air to be a part of the rhythm, to join in dance. Your heart pounds with the beat of the drums; you feel it in your neck, and sound escapes from your mouth, but it comes from deeper, it comes from your throat, your chest! You shout with the force pushed by your whole body. What may seem a cacophony is a delight, a song, a dance to your soul! And it all blurs - the sound becomes light and the light becomes sound, and your voice is the voice of the crowd, and the voice of the crowd is the song which presses through your chest! With strikes of lime green, silk blue, fire red, burning yellow, you thrust your body into the sound! You sing with the Voice that sings over you, the song becomes your own, and you know it better than anyone in the room. And you stop and listen, and the Voice stops singing, but the instruments continue to mingle with the lights now soft hues of purple and blue, and like a faithful choir of hundreds following an invisible conductor, a perfect wave of many voices overcomes the air with words that are more than words but an anthem from each heart. And the voices, reaching each note flawlessly, gracefully follow the pattern of sound until it slowly begins to fade, until it retreats back into the darkness from which it crept, until it leaves the room in utter blackness once more.

1 thoughts:

Lindsay said...

amazing... just amazing. you got it.

sometime I'll have to dig up something one of the AA fans wrote... I have it on my other hard drive... it's similar... definitely gave me the chills (too).

sometimes it's only God that can move our fingers to write out something so beautiful...