Thursday, October 9, 2008

Endure the Pain...

There are many things I enjoy, and then there are those things that make my insides explode and want to scream because it is so amazing.

Some might say I enjoy life too much. Some might say my days are too good to be true.

Sometimes I think about it. And it's true.

I do.

I feel like every day is a canvas that I get to paint. A ballroom I get to dance in. A stage I get to sing into.
Every day there is a motion of beauty I get to be.

And I feel like every day is a letter from God.
And I feel like every breeze and every blade of grass, every cloud and every flower is a thousand "I love you's."
And I feel the all-encompassing blue sky embracing me and taking me into Himself.
I feel Him holding me with the warmth of the sun.
I feel Him kissing me with each drop of rain!
I smell His closeness in the air.

I don't even understand this. These are the words that will get me closest to describing God and I.


There is a song by This Beautiful Republic that I love called "Pain".
When I listen to it, I hear Jesus singing it to me... He is saying...

Dear Damaris,

We are here together. It's been so long. I've waited forever for this time to come. And I won't leave you alone tonight. You're my heart moving life inside.

We won't fall again. If you would let me lead, we'll fall in love. If you would hold to me, never let go, endure the pain to find no pain at all.

Forget all the records, previous lovers. Look into my eyes to dissolve the others. And I know where you have laid tonight, and I'm just one step away tonight.

We won't fall again. If you would let me lead, we'll fall in love. If you would hold to me, never let go, endure the pain to find no pain at all.

Say that you need me, and I can give you everything your heart's been craving. Cause once I've held your hand I cannot stand to see it waving good-bye. Please don't go! Stay with me! Just STAY with ME!


1 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for this Damaris, I was actually hearing those words from Jesus last night whilst feeling that it was impossible for me to stay however much I wanted to respond to HIM.