Monday, October 20, 2008

Rock n Relief - Thank You's

I have gotten a total of 7 or 8 hours in the last three days and it is unbelievable that I'm laying in bed wide awake unable to sleep on my night of rest.

The most amazing things happened in the last 36 hours. We, the Dallas Diehards, put on Rock 'n Relief in McKinney on Saturday night with Mark Durham, Outside the Camp, Beyond Riches, Gina Tarajano, Fatal Formality, and Circleslide. The evening was an absolute success. Beyond building and deepening relationships with the artists, God did an incredible work that I cannot describe. I do not have words to describe what happened Saturday night. All I know is that my life is different because of the last 36 hours. I am a changed person.

The hearts of those who came Saturday night, whether performers or spectators, amaze me and challenge and inspire me to dream bigger, live louder, and never look back! Look into the depths of my heart and discover the passions God's given me and pursue them for HIS glory! Fatal Formality is one of the bands that has made me look within and run with what I've got; to start a riot for the Kingdom that is covered by the blood of Jesus. Gina Tarajano's faith in some college kids pushed me to continue walking blindfolded in absolute faith. Outside the Camp, Beyond Riches, Mark.. they saw something and jumped to be a part of it - there is ministry, God's ancient work, existing everywhere! Get involved - where will you jump in?

And Circleslide, oh Circleslide... I could never thank Debbie & the Guys enough for coming to Dallas to play my first show ever and treating it with the worth and value of a precious jewel. These guys reminded me of God's beauty in everything, and inspired me to continue walking on waves in these uncommon days filled with abounding grace! I loved hanging out in Waco with them tonight.

PowerFM - For freely coming out to be a part of the benefit and trusting that it wouldn't be a disaster. And for announcing it on the air, and Rachel Skinner, for talking about the show today and about how the Diehards get to be part of God's work in such a creative way.

All who came out for believing in us, for your faith, and for your giving, for your support in ways we could never have imagined or even thought to ask for.

Diehards - in Nashville, Minneapolis, and my D-squared & Jessie Holley - I would've died without you. Thank you for everything, for putting up with me, for your ideas, for your correction, for your guidance and advice. Hands & Feet, thank you for letting us be a part of the rebuilding.

Grasshopper. Need I say more? You are probably reading my mind right now. You are amazing!!!

The Wonderful Parents of the Diehards, including my very own. Thank you for birthing us and supporting and being proud of our crazy dreams that most kids our age don't have or pursue. We really would not be here without you. Really. Love you all!

Jesus. Christ. Father. Glorious Redeemer. Abba! Not to us. My hands are clean. YOU did it all. You gave me breath and life and everything and it is by you and for you that my heart beats. TO YOUR NAME BE THE GLORY!!!

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