Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Here I am at my laptop, listening to Circleslide and sipping on McDonald's coffee, gettin' ready to either straighten my hair or study. Not sure I wanna do either of those but at some point I have to stop switching back and forth between Facebook and MySpace.

Today and Thursday I have tests in my Government class. Yes. Tests. Multiple ones in one week. Over the same thing. Retarded, yes?

Anyway, I don't have much to say today. I hope I don't get distracted in my studying attempts. I'll be at the Office tonight after 7pm.

1 thoughts:

Lara said...

i love that we have the same home <3 and the same family. I am thinking about moving in with your parents so we can have one huge family. It's like child swap or something. <3

jk jk jkjkjkjkj