Thursday, October 23, 2008


What a beautiful change in weather occurred in the last 24 hours!! :-) Even though I've spent the last 6 or 7 hours studying my head off for an exam I have in less than an hour, I am so happy to be alive! It's a joy that I can even sit here and actually study. I love feeling productive.

I also enjoy conversations that make me reflect and think deeper than I usually do about my existence and what I'm doing with myself. Father has done incredible things recently and I must remember where my heart is in Him, and that no matter what I do, He remains constant for the sake of Himself and He still loves me. Things I learned in Germany still return to me...
Obedience over Activity
It's not about what you do.. it's about whose you are.
There is nothing I can do to make Him love me more or less.
Prayer is the ministry.
Immediate obedience.

All of these concepts or small phrases carry a TON of baggage with them that have changed my life forever. It is wonderful when I see it carrying itself out in my daily life TODAY!

I'm excited to start reading scripture on a regular basis with the Diehards. I'm excited about hanging out with the Fatal Formality guys. I'm excited about seeing the Wedding Saturday. I'm excited about the new people that are coming into my life. I'm excited that I share similar passions and dream with these new friends. I'm excited that two people this week have asked us to do shows for them. !?! I'm excited that I have a test in the next hour and I feel prepared for it! I'm excited that today's Susan's birthday and we get to celebrate it tonight!! I'm excited that I am my Father's.

1 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

mmm. i love deep conversation too. and those truths from cologne flood my mind constantly in the day to day. isn't He wonderful! i love the simple joy you always carry with you Damaris.