Saturday, October 25, 2008

What's better than Euros?! I know!!!

I'm not sure who all reads this... but whoever does.. please do as I say. Or else.

There are a few bands out there who have impacted my life so strongly, they have no idea. Because for some unknown reason they have chosen to love on the Diehards and I so much... I am going to do my best to support them in promoting them because I love them so much. I've seen the heart of Christ beating in these, so please, if you have seconds and dollars to spare - which... if you live in America, you probably do. - check these out:

Fatal Formality - - good good friends of ours that played our show last weekend. They love Jesus. A lot.

Circleslide - - - amazing, amazing men after God's own heart.

These are two bands I've gotten a chance to get to know well that live to make Christ famous and change the world for His glory!! If you read my blog thing regularly, these names are not new to you. So go check them out! Support these musical missionaries of today!! Buy they're music! iTunes... or... wherever else YOU buy your music.

God is bigger. He is active. The Gospel is alive. Do you see it!?

And i think it's really cool that my keyboard can type this symbol: € (euro)

0 thoughts: