Friday, August 15, 2008

We live, We love

Today marks the end of a season for me. The end of a strange and isolated year. It is my last day here at this job I've had for a year. And it is the end of summer. School starts next week. Hopefully I'll have a new job by the end of this week. I'll be living in a different place by the end of next week. I will be living with different people soon. Life will be so different. My world as I know it will come to an end and transform into what I am perceiving to be a beautiful butterfly.

I'm going to Belton this evening. I'm going to see my parents, have dinner with them, and enjoy fellowship with other Believers they know. I'm seeing my little brother who's also started a new stage in his life. By the way, I have the most amazing little brother in the world. And I can't help but be so excited about receiving my brand-new laptop! I'm looking forward to this evening so much because of that, it's almost sinful.

Grasshopper and I went on our first Diehard venture since she's been back from Japan last night. We worked merch for a new favorite band "Capital Lights". We were really there to ask Mark Stuart if we could go to Haiti with him. But we missed him. Bummer. But we had an incredible time selling merch and hanging out with the band. Hooray!

Ok. Short update. I know. Tschuss.

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