Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Quick Update

In the last two weeks life has pretty much turned upside-down as in I'm quitting my job and losing the "home" we had at the 506. So I'm a homeless bum. Literally. It's all okay though. I definitely sense God working in all of this - as he always does. Everything is for the good of those who love Him whom are called according to His purpose.

As life has turned upside-down, however, many good things have happened. My beautiful friend Lara has returned to America from over a year in Deutschland, and it has made me oh so happy to see her and spend time with her and her family. Also, my parents have informed me that they've got me a laptop, and after half a year without such trinket, I'm so ecstatic to receive my gift. Which in the end, they'll probably make me pay for. But that's okay. Unless I remain jobless. Today, Grasshopper comes home. Yes. Grasshopper - the sunshine of my life - returns to America from oh so distant Tokyo. I'm so excited to hear her stories and see how her life's changed and how God has revealed more of His mysteries to her! Today is cloudy and I love cloudy days and I hope it rains. Also, I discovered that I made my daddy proud last weekend when he found something from my childhood that I'd hid from the world and I made him so proud! Alison and I make up super crazy games as we're settling in for the night every evening that involve rhyming words and singing songs. I'm going to miss rooming with her. There is a guy that works next door to our office that hits on me, and it's funny.

Those are all happy things. Also, today I realized I've read three books for fun in the last month and I hadn't done that ever. Now I can't help but read. I love reading a book as I'm tucked in bed. I love reading in the slow times of the day. The imagination of authors amazes me. I've read so far... "And the Shofar Blew" and "The Atonement Child" by Francine Rivers and "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. I love reading. Last night I read the first chapter of Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn". I'm going to keep reading now.


2 thoughts:

Lara said...

i love you, a lot.

Anonymous said...

Hey D,

so this is where you sneaked off to to blog without telling me :P. Great to read your blog love you loads Delorean.I shall update the link in my blog accordingly.
