Saturday, August 16, 2008

Life is FULL of Unexpected Adventures!

I drove to Belton Friday evening after work to see my mom and dad and Jefte. Well, I got my very cute laptop, and it makes me super happy! I got to visit with some people from my parents' church and see my little brother at his new job at the coffee shop. We came home and chilled and had some good family time.

This morning we all went to a revival at their church. The men and women split. We went to another building and had some sweet word. When we were walking out, mom and I were ahead of everyone and I stepped on something that seemed to have popped through my shoe and gone into my foot. Oddly, I didn't feel any pain until I tried to remove my shoe, but realized... it wouldn't move. I hopped to the edge of a step and sat down. Sure enough, my shoe was NAILED to my foot!!! Ouch? It was pretty crazy.

They put me on an ambulance with my nailed foot and took me to the hospital and yanked the nail out of my foot after a few hours.. When my brother saw what had happened we had this dialogue:
Jefte - "Did a nail go into your foot??"
Me - "Yes! Haha!"
Jefte - "Then why are you laughing?!"
Me - "Because I don't know what else to do!"

It was pretty hilarious.


I'm tired of writing and I have a 1-inch ditch in my foot. Okay. Bye.

1 thoughts:

Richard said...

dude, sweet blog. i hope your foot heals quick.