Thursday, June 19, 2008

My New Cycling Life

Yesterday evening was excellent. With the high gas prices and all, you know I have considered getting a bike for some travel. I finally set my mind to it and just did it.

Kara and I decided we'd walk out to Target and get me one. She took her bike along-side. We happened to be right in front of a bus stop as the bus rolled in. How convenient for us. We jumped in and I got to experience my first bus ride in America. All we had to do was show our UTD public transit passes and ride! We hopped out in front of the Target and in we went and got me a beautiful two-wheeled contraption. We happily rode back to the apartment enjoying the breeze and lack of need for petrol.

This is what it looks like:
(i think)

My plan for the moment is to only use my vehicle for work and church-related purposes when needed. For other occasions, however, I intend to use my bike - whether it's meeting someone at a nearby restaurant or getting small groceries. I am excited about using it regularly and and training on it. Once I build the stamina, I intend to ride it to work (about 12 miles round-trip), leaving home early in the morning. The ride home will be the hardest cause of the heat - which I don't mind. It'll be an adventure. I'm excited my life is changing this way.

0 thoughts: