Friday, June 20, 2008

My First Bike Ride

I went on my first real bike ride last night. It was incredible, but I'm not gonna lie, my bum's really sore and it's hard to sit today. While Jehu and Jacob grilled some chicken, Kara, Chelsa, and I took our bikes (one of which we stole from the 401 so Chelsa could ride) and went on an adventure. I wasn't sure how much stamina I had for how long of a ride I could take. We made it all the way to Beltline when I realized, if we go any further I won't make it back. I'm very proud of myself, however, that we did make it to Beltline and then back to our apartments.

That was the most fun exercise I've done in a while! I enjoyed it very much. At some point today, Kara and I intend on trying to make it to Spring Valley. We are training me to build the muscle and stamina to get me all the way to work on a bike. I seriously want to cut out my car from coming to work. :-) I'm very excited.

And now I'm sitting at my desk at work; everyone in the building has left for lunch and I've chosen to stay and enjoy my Noodles...
k - tschuss!

1 thoughts:

kelsey. said...

yay for being in the office alone at lunch :)