Thursday, June 12, 2008


I really am a girl full of dreams. I'm not ashamed to admit it because there hasn't been a dream yet that hasn't been fulfilled. For this summer, my dream was to pick up an instrument, and I'm already learning the keyboard. I found a very helpful site that's helping me do this. Chelsa got her keyboard from her house and brought it to our apartment. Thanks to these two things I'm able to do this.

This week was also the start of an exciting project called Open Hands that will contribute to my dad's Border and beyond ministry that supports two mission-churches in the slums of Nuevo Laredo. Open Hands is a call to all of us that have been blessed to give to ministries such as Border and Beyond and many more. The Diehards have answered this call and it is an amazing thing to see how far people are willing to go.

I'm a dreamer... whose dreams come true.

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