Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's Sunday evening, and I'm sitting on our couch after a long tedious day of room-exchange. It sucked. But I like our new rooming situation - it's different and refreshing and Alison and I get the balcony now... it'll be a year before we switch rooms again. Needless to say, I'm exhausted and don't feel like moving.... ever.

Celebrate Freedom was alright - Kara and Trousey and I jammed out to a good session of Sanctus Real, Stellar Kart and David Crowder while Jefte went off to play with his Belton buds. I met and talked to the Dizmas boys and how delighted I was that they remembered me from the many times I offered them peanut butter & jelly sandwiches at the Hip Hop on the Roof Top showcase during GMA week. Unfortunately, I missed This Beautiful Republic's portion of the show which I was so looking forward to.

The most exciting part about this weekend, however, was meeting our Houston Diehards - Robin and her girls - who are all freaken amazing!! On Saturday night we went to the Village together and spent an incredible night of worship, listening to a powerful sermon, and watching victorious baptisms and went out to dinner afterwards.

I am presently very distracted by Kelsey's facebook chat with me, the smell of pizza, and the knowledge that Jessie's about to call so deuces.

3 thoughts:


hey it's Katrina!


Llama's Mmama <>< said...

The Girls and I had a simply BEAUTIFUL TIME with you and your WONDERFUL FRIENDS!!!!!!! Please pass out HUGS all around the apartment for me!

I WANT a church like yours! I really, really DOOOOOO!!!!!! I'll NEVER forget how very SPECIAL this weekend was with you ALL!

Robin <><

Sarah said...

hey dawg. It's Sarah! How do I add you as a friend on my page?