Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The world seems new when taking it in differently...

I did it. I rode the 2.5 miles from the 506 at 6:55 a.m. down Meandering Way to Arapaho and Coit, jumped on a bus with my bike and enjoyed the strangers I chatted with on our way to Arapaho Center Station. A man made a friendly comment about how the bike was as big as me. Once at the station, I nearly missed the train that impatiently rang for me to climb aboard a car full of straight-faced passengers. A middle-aged, hair-graying man in glasses sitting smiled welcomely at me. I stood in the back next to a door balancing with my bike as the train rode down do the station at Spring Valley. I jumped off with my bicycle, found a way down to the ground and pedaled my way to work. Got in at 7:50 and began to cool off and change into my work clothes before too many folks started to arrive. Put a fresh pot of coffee to brew and started a good day.

What an adventure!

This evening, however, I will embark on an even greater adventure with Swelsh taking me cross-country for a few days to the addictive city of Nashville, Tennessee! Only a few hours before I head home to finish packing and to the store to gather some groceries for the 8 hour drive and the holiday in Music City with good friends!

Destination Nashville - Here I come!
Things Planned:
Piercing Party
Journey Ecclessia 4th of July Picnic
Swelsh's Tat
Lots of time well-spent at Billy-Joe's
And of course
Massive quality time w/ the Diehards

That's it thus far! I definitely can't wait to see my wonderful Jessie! And hopefully we have a place to sleep when we get there at a potential 3 or 4 in the morning. Yay!

Deeper thoughts later, yes?

3 thoughts:

kelsey. said...

you make me smile :)

and yes, i'm sure far too much time will be spent at billy joe's this weekend lol

Unknown said...

Hey Big D....I take the train to work, too. I agree with's very nice. I get another 20 minutes of sleep because of it. :-)

Unknown said...

You saw Abe Lincoln? Was he playing Dungeons and Dragons?