Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I went to iGosia this weekend.

My favorite thing about iGosia is that every time I visit I see people I haven't seen, sometimes in nearly a year, but they are still friends that are kept close to my heart. I can't help but love those crazy iGosians.

I loved dressing up as a native iGosian this weekend with the loose flowing garb and a bright-colored head covering. I enjoyed singing and dancing with the Ah-meh-dee-kan people, welcoming them to our country.

Even rising early the next morning and preparing for market was fun. Once at market, I sold "bananas, apples, and french fries" to the Ah-meh-dee-kan people that were really cucumbers, tomatoes, and a potato. :-)

IGosian staff reminded us and the Ah-meh-dee-kans of certain truths. I observed Ah-meh-dee-kans struggle from an individual mindset to a team of one mind. I loved it.

And Grasshopper is off to Japan.
Don't forget to keep up with her blog:

1 thoughts:

kelsey. said...

oh i know you too. :)