So I've been thinking... 2009 was pretty dang awesome. I decided to compile a variety a pictures that depict my wonderful year.
So here it is...
Let's start with this silly picture my wonderful friend Lara took of me on the first day of 2009. That was also the day I moved out of her family's house. I love them.

At some point in February, my new friends and I decided to take a 24 hour trip to Nashville, TN to see some of our dearest friends. Such as our Circleslide buds!

In March, the infamous Twilight movie came out and there was much excitement and rejoicing. Stef, Alicia, and I drove two and a half hours to Beth's rocking Twilight Party!

At some point after our first Nashvegas trip, we became obsessed with the game of Quelf (that our good Nash friends introduced us to) and committed to religiously humiliate ourselves in front of each other on a regular basis. Behold, Casey and Chris of Outside the Camp.

In April or something, we took another trip to Nashville to participate in the GMA Dove Awards at the Grand Ole Opry as seat fillers. We are pretty darned good seat fillers. :)

As soon as school let out, Stef, Alicia, and I made a run for the beach and spent a week in Pensacola. We got dang good tans. Even though I'm already brown. The beach was wonderful!

In June, Erica, Grasshopper & I went to nowhere, Oklahoma to hang out with Circleslide for a week and work at a church camp. Fell in love with some sweet, awesome, young girls and got to minister to them. Below is a photo of Circleslide's pet skeleton, Cap'n Edmond, we got them when we first met them. Edmond travels everywhere with them. He's living the dream.

In July, Grasshopper and I went to Japan and spent two weeks in Tokyo. We got to share the love of Jesus Christ with dozens of people and got to pray for a country and a people that I now love and can't wait to return to! Changed my life!

This is the pumpkin I carved for Halloween. It is Totoro. If you know any Japanese anime, you should know who Totoro is. He's my favorite ever!

Also, in October, I received a wonderful visit from my sweet friend Jessie and her roommate Rachel, who for some reason I kept calling her Jessica. Weird. But I had a wonderful time, and Jessie kept coming back! Haha!

In late November, I got my baby that I love so much. His name is Sir Meows A Lot. Sometimes we call him other names, such as Steel Panther, Face, Lloron, and other names.

There are many more photos of many other events that occurred but I'd be sitting here all night, and I need to stop watching Glee re-runs and go to bed in order to work all day tomorrow! :-D So. I hope if you read this, that you enjoyed the photos. Especially the one of my kitty. Teeeeheeee he's so cute!
Love you, BYE!
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