Friday, April 3, 2009


In my dream last night, someone significant asked me the question “Where do you see me in ten days?” I was very confused and wondered if he had misquoted the question or if I had heard him wrong. In my dream I stood with my eyebrows pushing together and hesitation hanging on my lips – should I ask him what he means or if he could rephrase? What? Where do I see you in ten days? Don’t you mean years? Or do you mean location? You could be in so many places! I don’t know your schedule. What do you mean?

I walked away with the thought at the forefront. I woke up. It was 8:00 a.m.

The dream haunted me from the moment I rolled out of bed, loomed over me at work, and drove me home late at night. I mulled over it every second I could distract myself from the daily activities, seeking a reason, a meaning, or the answer to the question!

As I brushed my teeth, I realized the question had nothing to do with it’s speaker; instead it had everything to do with me. I thought about the alternative question that is commonly asked: “Where do you see yourself in five years? …in ten years?” …etc. I thought about the intent of that question and what the common responds are: Running a company, promoted to a higher position, finished with an extended education, etc. We ask ourselves these questions to set long-term goals, to get us somewhere in the long run, to be different in the years ahead – different and successful.

What if the question in my dream was the micro-level version of that? What if it applied to me? What if I am supposed to ask myself the question: Where do I see myself in ten days? Set realistic goals to make a difference in myself now rather than in five or ten years; acknowledge that which needs change in myself, whether it’s unhealthy habits or callous characteristics, and make the change in ten days. Measure it, keep myself accountable, discipline myself, and be a change in ten days.

So the question stands. Every day.

Where do I see myself in ten days?

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