Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Too Much to Stop

I don't even remember what was the last thing I wrote about but a lot of amazing things have happened and the Dallas Diehards continue to progress and plan and as Group 1 Crew would say, "We've been given too much to stop!"

School has started. I love my classes. I didn't have classes today though. However, I did experience Day 1 at my new job at a Hallmark Store. I work with some of the sweetest ladies. Also, Hallmark has many possible gift ideas for Diehard Care Packages. And, yes, I definitely intend on all our future packages to be amazing... just because I work there now.

This afternoon I had a meeting with Grasshopper about Dieharding and future events, promotions, etc. I honestly can't believe how much this is growing and moving forward. We started out as silly music-loving young girls from Belton .. and now .. now things are different. Things are exciting. Things are moving.

We're putting on our first mission trip this December to Mexico. If you wanna go, let me know...

I'm so exhausted....

0 thoughts: