Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I am absolutely loving the rainy weather! Kara drove me to Corner Bakery where I am enjoying a latte and Word this morning. In the last few days I've struggled a lot with lame-ness. I have been quite immobile and out of control and it is FRUSTRATING! God is basically putting me on stand-still right before the semester starts. I think He's reminding me that He still has got a hold on me. Okay God. I get it. (Yeah, right.)

I try.

It is amazing the things He is opening my eyes to in the last couple weeks, from me losing my apartment to quitting my job to bringing old friends back from the foreign lands! He is reminding me why my heart beats, why I am alive, why I breathe! He is taking me through an amazing roller coaster that is destroying the safe comfortable shell I built around me in the last year and bringing me back to real life. Life is not about me. Life is not about gaining. Life is not about success. It's about Christ. It's about the Kingdom. It's about seeking the Kingdom before all things.

John 6, Jesus stands before thousands saying "I am the bread that came down from heaven. Whoever takes this bread shall have eternal life." And while many wondered in disgust why Jesus was asking them to eat Him, some knew and understood that what He meant was choose ME! I satisfy, I provide, I am life - not anything else that you could possibly choose that will feed for a while then lose its glamour. Choose me! But only those whom the Father draws would understand.

So that's what He is saying to me - "Choose ME, Damaris. Today, choose ME to give you life."

I am about to get picked up by friends and we are going to have lunch and say bye to a friend.

I love this rainy weather...

1 thoughts:

Richard said...

I have decided you all are super fun peeps :). You tell good stories.

You should have a story post!