Friday, June 6, 2008

moving forward..

So life is constantly changing. It seems like Father never lets his children who seek to be obedient get too comfortable with one place or position or people. This week in the 506 one of the original roommates surprised us with a sudden decision to move out of our home. As shocking and unbelievable as it is, the lives of those left behind must continue moving forward in obedience. One thing that is hard is that when people in our lives go, we must continue.

That is it. When things disappear, we have to keep our eyes on what we do have rather than what we lost. So I look at my hands and I am grateful for them, and I look at my feet and I'm glad I still walk, and I look at the family I do have, and I love them more than ever. We keep moving forward.

I just hit my elbow against my desk. Ouch.

I will be going back to Nashville soon. I will drive up there with my lovely friends Sarah W and Alison on July 3rd. I cannot express to you how much I love that city. It is a fun escape and perhaps a future long-term adventure. Actually, I've pretty much resigned to the fact that in future years I might just have to own that piece of land. ;-)

I don't know. God calls me. I go.

See, I have all these dreams. I'm going to take care of all of them.
All for God's glory.

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