Monday, April 14, 2008

Be Near

It is sweet, when for the first time in several months, one tastes the glorious riches of Christ's nearness. What is it, my spirit cried out, that makes you seem so distant? Why can't I find you? Oh but the Father promises that we will find Him when we seek Him with all our hearts. Praise Him for his grace that revealed to me my sin that I might wrestle through it and repent and beg the Father for forgiveness! In this silence, I prayed. In this darkness, I searched. By his grace, it was revealed. And by his grace, I could hear.

My jealousy. My envy. My anger. My pride. My refusal to love. My refusal to forgive. God, take it. Please bear it. I want it no more.
Please strip me of that which impedes me your love.
Please strip me of that which hold back my heart.
Stir in me desire and yearning for you.
Only you can draw me so I beg you, please do.

1 thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Oh Damaris! I pr'd specifically that today you would experience Him, feel Him, be reminded that He is there. That closeness you mentioned. Oh I love how Father works! You are amazing and oh how I love you!