Thursday, January 31, 2008

Not too long ago I was in Germany reading the book of Acts week after week after week. I read it about eight times. I eventually grew tired and annoyed with having to read it so many times. Okay, that was about a year and a half ago.

Since I've been coming out of a three month period of desert-like wilderness, I find myself seeking God through any possible venue. I've been desiring for my heart to be stirred, to be broken, to be driven to the presence of my Grace-Giver.

I have found that in walking with Jesus I get distracted and things in life accumulate and events escalate to where I find myself at the top of a sky-scraper asking myself how I got there. And I feel so alone and so separated from the basic things that have kept me alive. That's what happens.

I'm learning to be drawn back to my First Love, to remember Him. How? In the little things. In the kisses of the rain and the songs of the wind. (I sound like Pocahontas.. I always wanted to be as pretty as her.)

So this week I've begun to read Acts. Reading a book of the Bible that I've read countless times before that I was so close to and I knew so well - reading it again after such a long time is like re-acquainting myself with an old friend. Sitting with her for a cup of coffee and drinking the beauty that God is in our lives. That's what reading Acts this week has been. I've read the first two chapters and how refreshing it is to be reminded of the stories of my brothers and sisters that lived long ago. How Amazing..

more on that later...

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