Thursday, November 29, 2007


Hmm.. haven't written in a while. New things have occurred. I'm kinda 21 now. That's always fun. Father is teaching Faith through different venues now. Faith is strange. I have to trust God to give me the Faith to trust Him. One day I'll make sense of that. So I cling.

Psalm 63 has been a battle. For a while, the phrase He instilled in my heart was "die to self". He's still working on me with that. I have a feeling he'll be doing that for a very long time.

He has placed another phrase with a whole other lesson is going to teach: "Your love is better than life." There seems to be a pattern here. We'll be battling with that one for a while.

I am excited about what is going to be happening with home group. I wish I could see the ideas enacted right now. I wish I knew they were guaranteed to work. It's another one of those faith/trust things. I love those girls. I can't wait to see what Father does there.

Prayer. Prayer. Family needs to go back to corporate prayer. Brother and I prayed spontaneously for a church Elder. Praying together is good. That we need to cling to.

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