Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dear friends, today was the first day "on the job!" God is great! We started out with orientation which took about 3 hours, followed by lunch (btw Japanese food is great!!!) and then we headed to our ministry sites. I don't know how to spell our site name yet.

The main activity was
The main activity was "5 Minute English" - we stand outside the train station holding up these signs while shouting anything along the lines of "Free English Conversation! Just 5 minutes!" until someone smiles shyly at us & we reel them in by being overly friendly & enticing. If people tried this in America, I would run away. I'm not gonna lie, at first I was really errr what's the word.. Self-conscious.. Until I quit- then I had a great time and had some good conversations. The end goal is to segway into our personal testimony then into the Gospel and our desire is to see new believers everyday.

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