Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Whose am I?

It is always enlightening to return to my old journals or past entries and rediscover my scribbled thoughts and experiences. (Not that I ever had anything brilliant to write - it is the unfolding pattern of God's fingerprints in my journey that amazes me.) I found this from late July of 08:

When I was in Germany, one of the repeated lessons was "it's not about WHAT you do; it's about WHOSE you are." Notice the lesson had nothing to do with who I am! It's so easy to forget that simple thought - and the question itself is powerful if it is applied to everything! Whose am I?! The obvious answer is Jesus. But what does that entail? Why should that affect everything else? So I guess the question I must ask myself is...
Who is Jesus to me?

That is pretty simple. And I just want to reflect a little longer on this train of thoughts. First off, the hardest acknowledgment - It's not about me. It's not about my selfish desires or wants; it's not about my glory or personal pursuits; it's not about what makes me happy... yeah step 1 is pretty challenging. (And that's an understatement.)

If my existence is solely based on who I belong to, then what does that mean? What should that look like? Whose am I? Jesus. Why should it matter that I live my life in a way that reflects my belonging to Him? If it is about Him, then shouldn't my life then echo His worth? (and yes, I did steal that phrase from that song they sing at the Village.) This should then drive my very essence - my breathing, my sleeping, my eating, my resting, my working, my pursuits, my pleasures should be driven by Whose I am.

Such a simple phrase can have monumental implications...
It's not about what you do. It's about whose you are.

Who is my master? Jesus. Who is He to me? Is He a mythical creature of some sort we subconsciously believe will bring us good luck? Is He a historical being who's been long dead and has no personal meaning to me today? "Who do YOU say that I am?" -sound familiar?- This is the question that makes it real personal. This is the question that makes me not just glance over things I've thought or said in the past - this is no longer what my mom or dad or sunday school teachers taught me. This is up-close and personal with JC & Me. Who is Jesus to me?

He is alive, and present - here with me now, in this very room, mingling with my soul. He IS life and He GIVES life and He TAKES life. Since He is the Author of Life He must be God. He knows the ins and the outs, yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and forever. He is everlasting. Jesus is unfathomable yet intimate. Strong yet gentle.

I could write until my fingers fell off, and then Jasper the Cat would have to take over. What does this mean for the living of this Life I have? What do I do with this breath? What do I do with this voice? What do I do with my hands and my feet and my brain? What has He called me to do with what He's given me TODAY? With my time and my space and my thoughts and my creativity and my laughter and my tears? Pursue His Glory with these. Seek HIS Kingdom! Grasp the Gospel and Live it. Make Him Famous.

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