Thursday, January 1, 2009

bla bla bla 2009

Every semester and every year is always different. I absolutely loved living with the Johnson's Fall of 08. It is now time to live with brother Jehu again. It's weird how often I move. All of my things are shoved into boxes or gift bags or large purses of a sort, waiting to be unpacked. Ironically enough, however, we are only living in this apartment before moving to another closer to campus in February. I feel like I'm floating through life, bouncing from place to place.

Anyway, it was fun to start the "New Year" the way I did, with all the Diehards and our favorite local bands and a bunch of high school kids. I am, however, not planning on ever staying up all night again... EVER.

And also, I want recipes. For anything. Main dishes, salads, soups, anything - send them in. :-)

Well... nothing too cheesy here. Just thankful 2009 is finally here.

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